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Hiking tours

Hiking tours in Pitztal

Walking in Pitztal’ s mountains

Hiking tours are perfect for starting your holiday week, in between or as preparation for longer hiking tours in the mountains. Start your hike straight from your accommodation provider or make use of one of the three mountain railways – Hochzeiger Bergbahnen, Rifflsee Bergbahnen or Pitztal Glacier –  to spare your legs and energy reserves on the way up.

Whole Pitztal

Hiking tours in Pitztal

Pitztal offers a diverse range of hikes – from forest hikes to hikes through gorges and romantic vie ferrates with breath-taking panoramic views. Start your hiking week with a hiking tour before venturing out to a breath-taking summit. Hiking tours in Pitztal are perfectly suited as preparation and fitness training for longer hiking tours.

Top hiking tours in our villages…

Arzl: Luis-Trenker trail, Adlerhorst
Wenns: Large Harbe pond circular route, Hike to Kielebergalm
Jerzens: Stuibenwasserfall [waterfall], Sechszeiger
St Leonhard: Almenweg [catered mountain hut tour], Rüsselsheimer Hütte

Luis Trenker path
Luis Trenker path
The viewing platfrom Adlerhorst
The viewing platfrom Adlerhorst
Stuiben waterfall in Jerzens Schön
Stuiben waterfall in Jerzens Schön
Sechszeiger reservoir
Sechszeiger reservoir




Distance ranges from 0km to 43km


Duration ranges from 0h to 10h


Altitude ranges from 0m to 3,972m

Mittelberg – Braunschweiger Hütte (2,759 m) – Pitztaler Jöchl (2,995 m) – Mittelberg

Mittelberg (1731m)
Mittelberg (1730m)
From there, follow the flat and even agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Gletscherstube. Keeping left, start the ascent to the catered mountain hut Braunschweiger Hütte. The steep and rocky so called Wasserfallsteig [waterfall trail] leads along the icefall of the Glacier steeply uphill to the foot of the waterfall of the Mittelbergferner Glacier. From there, a painstaking and very steep uphill climb over difficult, partly rocky terrain takes you to the hut. The fantastic views you will enjoy of the surrounding Glacier environment amply compensate your exertions on this arduous path. Continue to walk up to the Pitztaler Jöchl summit via a very well-kept trail to enjoy spectacular scenic views of the surrounding summits and Glaciers. Return back to the valley on the outward route. Please note that this route is only suitable for fit and sure-footed mountaineers! 
Take the same way back.

Three lake tour (Brechsee,Krummersee,Kugletersee)

Rehwald (1450m)
Rehwald (1450m)
Follow the agricultural road from Rehwald to the catered mountain hut Mauchele Alm. From there turn off on a trail towards Lake Brechsee which you will reach within 1 hour from the hut. It is another 1 hour 30 minutes walk to Lake Krummersee. After 50 minutes you reach the Lake Kugletersee. Return to the start via the same route. 

St Leonharder Höhenweg (high-level trail)

car park goods cable car near Zaunhof/Grüble (1396m)
Piösmes (1423m)
Follow the well-marked agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Ludwigsburger Hütte. Then continue to walk to the Lehnerjoch and turn right after approx. 10 minutes and follow the well-waymarked track southwards. After crossing a few cirques and streams, follow a steep, secured descent to another cirque, the Hairlacher Kar. Next, climb up the steep track (secured with ropes) to the stunning Mauerköpfl summit. Continue to walk over Alpine pastures beneath the Hairlacher Seekopf summit to the fork a little east of the Am Gampen. Then climb uphill in the direction of the Wilder See until you reach the Brandsee lake at the same altitude as the Schoaßkogel peak. At another cirque, the Biedere Kar, continue to walk on to the so called Luibisböden. It is possible to descend via the Luibisalm to Piösmes.

Please note that no one should attempt this Alpine trek unless confident of good fitness levels and stamina.

Pitztaler Almenweg, Stage 1 (catered mountain huts trail)

Wiese (1172m)
Scheibe/Piösmes (1398m)
Der Pitztaler Almenweg links five idyllically located catered mountain huts: Söllberg-, Mauchele-, Neuberg-, Tiefental- and Arzler Alm. About 100 m before Wiese, take the agricultural road on the right to the Söllbergalm. 
From there, continue your hike through a larch and Swiss pine forest on a moderately steep track in the direction of the Brechsee lake. After walking for approximately 30 minutes turn off in the direction of Stallkogel – Mauchele Alm. There, the path joins up with a recently built moderately steep track to the Mauchele Alm. After approximately 500 m (red markings) turn left until you cross a stream. Then turn left again and walk 
over stony terrain in the direction of the Neubergalm. This part is hard/lback mountain path. Please note that hikers should be sure-footed and not be afraid of heights for this passage. Enjoy the spectacular views of the valley. After the Neubergalm a shaded track takes you through forest to the Tiefentalalm, which is in a picturesque setting. Next, continue your hike bearing right, following the footpath and then the agricultural road to the Arzler Alm. Descend either via the agricultural road or via the forest path to Scheibe. Please note that it is possible to descend from any of the Alms at any point. 

Mittagskogel summit tour starting in Mittelberg

Mittelberg (1733m)
Mittagskogel (1732m)
From the starting point hike along a very steep trail up to the Mittagskogel summit. On this long hike your efforts will be rewarded with spectacular panoramic views of Pitztal and the Kaunergrat and Geigen ridges. The Muttler peak is also along this route and has equally beautiful vistas in store. Return via the same route. There is an alternative return route that will spare your knees: you can reach the top station of the Glacier Express within ca. 1.5 hours and can take the underground train back to your starting point. Please note the train timetables!

Circular route to summit Wallfahrtsjöchl

Eggenstall (1341m)
Eggenstall (1340m)
Cross the road at the Gasthof Liesele pub in Eggenstall and walk along the continuously steep agricultural road to Neubergalm mountain hut. Then continue on a very steep but well signposted path to Sturzmahd and the Sturzmahd ridge and then further upwards to the Wallfahrtsjöchl peak. Once there, enjoy magnificent panoramic views of the Pitztal valley below and far beyond its borders. 

CAUTION: the path up to the Wallfahrtsjöchl is very difficult and is often covered in snowfields. We only advise experienced mountaineers to attempt this route and we recommend a direct descent route to the Sturzmahd saddle via a well-signposted steep trail leading to the Tiefentalalm mountain hut. From this catered mountain hut you can return via the agricultural road back down to St Leonhard/Eggenstall. 

Venet circular route

Audershof car park (1284m)
Audershof car park (1276m)
Walk along the forest road from the car park to the catered mountain huts Larcher Alm (1.5 hrs) Galfun Alm (2 hrs). Continue to walk for approx. 1 h on a steep path to reach the catered mountain hut Gogles Alm. Once there, a slightly steeper path forks off towards the Venet peak that can be reached within 2 hrs. Continue further on an easy walk along the mountain ridge of the Venet, which affords fantastic panoramic views of the upper Inntal, Gurgltal and Pitztal v alleys and the lower Inntal valley all the way down to Telfs. Walk for approx. 2.5 hrs to reach the catered mountain hut Venetalm. It takes approximately another hour to reach the catered mountain hut Puitalm am Plattenrain and another 1.5 hrs to return to your starting point in Audershof. Each ‘alm’ is very inviting should you wish to take a rest and if you wish to break up your hike you may also stay overnight at the Larcher-, Venet- or Puitalm am Plattenrain.

Venet circular route

Plattenrain (1463m)
Plattenrain (1464m)
Starting point: Plattenrainalm. From there walk in the direction of the catered mountain hut Venetalm (approx. 2 hrs). Continue further over the mountain ridge of the Venet, which affords fantastic panoramic vistas of the upper Inn valley, the Gurgltal and Pitztal valleys as well as the lower Inn valley all the way down to Telfs. After approx. 2 hrs you will reach Venet, where the path forks off in the direction of the cate red mountain hut Goglesalm. The three catered mountain huts Goglesalm, Galflunalm and Larcheralm each offer opportunities for a well-earned refreshment pit-stop. You may also wish to stay overnight on the Galflunalm or the Larcheralm. Continue your hike (possibly on the following day) in the direction of Audershof (approx. 1 hr walking distance from the 
Larcheralm). After another 1.5 hrs you will return to your starting point at Plattenrainalm.

Mainzer Höhenweg (high-level trail)

car park between Plangeroß andWeißwald (1601m)
bus stop Mittelberg (1732m)
From the starting point you walk on the well-prepared track to the catered mountain hut Rüsselsheimer Hütte. After the hut, turn right towards the Weissmaurachsee lake. The track is moderately steep at first, then becomes a steeper climb as you follow on up to the Weissmaurachjoch. Walk on to the southern Puitkogelferner Glacier and over two further Glaciers to the Rheinlandpfalz-Biwak (bivouac). Please note that mountaineers require crampons at the Wassertalkogel. On a partially steep trail continue via the Wurmsitzkogel summit to the Polleskogel summit. Next, climb up to the Pitztaler Jöchl peak and then descend to the catered mountain hut Braunschweiger Hütte. On the way to the Glaciers there are partially secured via ferrate.

Please note that the Mainzer Höhenweg is a high Alpine route. Mountaineers must be confidently sure-footed to master the rock ledge terrain, require grade II rock climbing abilities and good orientation skills. Be sure to not underestimate the length of this trek. As this trek crosses Glaciers, appropriate equipment and advanced mountaineering experience are essential.

Kaunergrat Circular Route - 3 Days

1600 (1604m)
Plangeroß (2823m)
Region: Hochzeiger

Hochzeiger hiking tours

Far-reaching views at Sechszeiger

Hochzeiger hiking resort offers a network of 100 kilometres of marked hiking trails spread over four alpine levels. Spare your legs and quickly get up to 2,370 metres at the top station of Sechzeiger double chair lift with the mountain railways at Hochzeiger ski resort. From there, you can start your planned hike in Pitztal.


A selection of hiking tours at Hochzeiger

Hiking tips from the Sechszeiger lift top station
(B) *

To the Sechszeiger at 2,395 m and back to the "Landschaftsteich" lake before descending to the Kalbenalm. From there either continue along Path to the Tanzalm (Jerzner Alm) or walk direct to the gondola top station.
Walking Time: 1 hour 30 min. easy hike

(C) *

To the Sechszeiger and then descend in a northerly direction to the Leiner Alm (1 hour) before returning to the bottom lift station (1 hour 30 min.).
Walking time: 2 hours 30 min. intermediate​ hike

(D) *

From the Sechszeiger descend in a northerly direction along through the Oberlang Valley to the Kalbenalm. From there either continue along to the Tanzalm (Jerzner Alm) or walk directly to the gondola top station.
Walking Time: 1 hour 45 min​. intermediate​ hike


Hiking tips from the Gondola top station
(H) *

To the Zollberg at 2,225 m from where you have a magnificent panorama view into the Inner Pitz Valley and across to the Wildspitze mountain.
Walking time: 40 min.​ easy hike

(I) *

To the Kalbenalm and return to the Tanzalm.
Walking time: 1 hour 15 min.​ easy hike

(J) *

To the Jerzner Alm (5 min.) and continue to the Hochzeigerhaus (15 min.). Take either the "Bärensteig" or the "Außerwaldweg" to the bottom station. 
Walking time: 50 min.​ easy hike

(K) *

To the valley station via the "Innerwald". Walking time: 1 hour. easy hike

(L) *

To the valley station via the "Rodelweg".
Walking time: 1 hour 30 min. easy hike

(M) *

Walk to the Kalbenalm (30 min.) and continue through the Oberlang Valley until you reach the path leading down from the Sechszeiger lift which takes you to the Leiner Alm (1 hour 15 min.). From the Leiner Alm to the bottom station (1 hour 30 min.). Walking time: 3 hours 15 min. intermediate​ hike

* look up in the Hochzeiger hiking tips brochure

hiking at Sechszeiger peak in Pitztal
hiking at Sechszeiger peak in Pitztal
360 degree panorama at the sechszeiger peak
360 degree panorama at the sechszeiger peak
Swiss stone pine forest at Hochzeiger
Swiss stone pine forest at Hochzeiger
Relaxing at Sechszeiger Peak, 2,370 m
Relaxing at Sechszeiger Peak, 2,370 m
Region: Gletscher

Pitztal Glacier - Towards the Eternal Ice

Pitztal Glacier hiking tours

Although this is really high Alpine terrain, Pitztal Glacier offers a huge choice of marvelous Alpine walking tours between two and five hiking hours. Of course, sturdy mountain hiking boots, surefootedness and appropriate clothes (pullover, windbreaker, sun glasses, sunscreen) are an absolute must.

Important Information:

  • All walking times listed below are roughly estimated times
  • Always plan a tour in advance according to your personal fitness and skills
  • Take a look at the local weather report and walk back in case of danger
  • For more detailed information please contact the certified Pitztal Mountain Guides at any time
  • Mittagskogel Walking Tour 3,159 m (View of the Alps & the Valley)
    Walking time: 2 hours up to the peak
    Difficulty level: red/black
  • Braunschweiger Hütte Walking Tour
    Walking time: 1,5 hours up to the mountain hut
    Attention: glacier crossing!
  • Braunschweiger Hütte incl. Pitztaler Jöchl 2,996 m
    Walking time: 3 hours
    Difficulty level: red
  • Short hikes/walks at Pitztal Glacier
  • Alpine hiking tours around Pitztal Glacier
  • High Alpine peak tours starting at Pitzal Glacier
Refreshing Moments on a Guided Glacier Tour at Pitztal Glacier
Refreshing Moments on a Guided Glacier Tour at Pitztal Glacier
Region: Rifflsee

Day Tours for Hikers

Varied Mountain Hikes in the Rifflsee Area

Thanks to top modern lift technologies, the Rifflsee mountain gondola takes you from Mandarfen up to 2,300 meters altitude within a few minutes.
Once on top, you can choose from a myriad of hiking trails and routes between two and five walking hours. Sturdy mountain hiking boots, surefootedness and appropriate clothes/mountain equipment (pullover, windbreaker, sun glasses, sunscreen) are an absolute must.   

Important Information:

  • All walking times listed below are roughly estimated times
  • Always plan a tour in advance according to your personal fitness and skills
  • Take a look at the local weather report and walk back in case of danger
  • For more detailed information please contact the certified Pitztal Mountain Guides at any time



Rifflsee Hiking Paths and Trail Running Routes

Starting point: Rifflseebahn (gondola) top station - Restaurant Sunna Alm 2,291 m

  • Plodersee Loop Tour: hiking trail to a crystal clear mountain lake at 2,380 m (you can even see the lake bottom!)
    Walking time: approx. 4 hours
    Difficulty level: red
  • Wurmtal & Löcher Hike: walking tour to Rifflferner glacier (part of the "Offenbacher Höhenweg")
    Walking time: approx. 2-4 hours (depending on stamina)
  • Hirschtal Valley Hike: descent via Hirschtal to Tieflehn or Mandarfen, 600 meters of altitude difference
    walking time, descent: approx. 1 hour
  • Rifflsee Panorama Footpath: valley hike via Rifflseehütte or Muldennpiste slope
    Walking time: approx. 1.5-2 hours
  • Walking trail or cart trail to Taschach Alm cheese dairy (serviced)
    Walking time: approx. 1.5-2 hours
    Difficulty level: blue
  • Fuldaer High Elevation Trail: panoramic hiking tour to Taschachhaus at 2,432 m
    Walking time: approx. 3,5 hours
    Difficulty level: red
  • Lange Willi Steig: adventurous hike through the Stone Pine Forest into Taschachtal
    Walking time: approx. 3 hours (part of the "Fuldauer Höhenweg" to Taschach Alm)
    Difficulty level: blue
  • Grubenkarspitze 3000 m: demanding hike on cart road, along the ski run to the summit
    Walking time: approx. 2 hours
    Difficulty level: red
  • Rostizjoch 3,083 m: Alpine mountain hike across pasturelands and erosion areas 
    Walking time: approx. 4 hours  
    Difficulty level: red (the route is not marked on some stages)
  • Cottbuser Höhenweg: challenging high Alpine hike to Kaunergrathütte at 2,817 m
    Walking time: approx. 4 hours  
    Difficulty level: red-black !!!rock climbing skills required!!!
From Rifflsee on Fuldaer Höhenweg Trail to Taschachhaus
From Rifflsee on Fuldaer Höhenweg Trail to Taschachhaus





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