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Trail Running

Trail running at the roof of Tyrol

19 signposted trail running routes with a total of 264 km

Pitztal is THE number 1 trail running destination in Austria and scores highly with specially signposted trails, maps, a trail in sections and a dedicated trail running shop.

Trail runners will experience fascinating and diverse trail running routes past mountain lakes, brooks and waterfalls. Run over summits and along ridges and take in breath-taking panoramic views. Take on the trail running challenge in the Tyrolean Alps: beginners, advanced and professional runners will find perfectly suited, flowing trails away from forest roads! Start straight down in the valley or use one of our mountain railways on the way up to your high-alpine altitude training. Train among the exposed landscape and experience unforgettable trail running moments!

Trail running in majestic Pitztal mountain scenery
Trail running in majestic Pitztal mountain scenery
Crossing a glacier whilst trail running in Pitztal
Crossing a glacier whilst trail running in Pitztal
Runners of the Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail
Runners of the Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail

12. Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail – the event of 2024

Experience THE trail running event of Austria from 02. - 04. August 2023. The individual course sections will take trail runners up to four times to the start – finish straight depending on the distance that they are running. This gives supporters the opportunity to cheer on their runners again and again at certain intervals. A dedicated program for children will provide entertainment and shorten the wait to the finish of the event. All trail running distances and registration information can be found on the Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail website

Trail running sections concept

Based on the existing hiking routes, a special route was put together for the trail runners. At several starting points these trails are summarized on large signboards and are also available as small printed maps. The GPS coordinates and further route information can be found on our interactive map

Trail runner at the Mittagskogelscharte in Pitztal Tyrol
Trail runner Mittagskogelscharte Pitztal Tyrol

Trail running taster sessions

As part of our summer program we are making “Getting started with trail running” easy. Find out more about trail running technique and test the latest trail running shoes on the market with the guidance of a trail running guide.

Trail Running ParKUHR

You will find the new Trail Running ParKUHR with 8 stations in Mandarfen, next to the mountain lift Rifflsee.

Trail running shop

During the summer months trail runners can find all necessary equipment at our trail shop in Mandarfen. At Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten you can find trail running shoes, shirts and backpacks as well as diverse trail running accessories.
Opening times

Pitztal stage trail

You are probably aware of the E5 – THE long-distance hiking trail. Trail runners can now explore the trail in stages. Discover Pitztal at a quick pace in several stages – including a summit experience should you so wish .

Pitztal trail running hotels

Several accommodation providers in Pitztal are now catering to the special requirements of trail runners. A select group of accommodation providers now offer a laundry service and athlete’s breakfast and also provide you with all required trail running information.

Plodersee circuit

Mandarfen (1673m)
Mandarfen (1675m)
Starting in Mandarfen, cross the bridge to the mountain rescue building and then turn right and follow the signposts to “Hirschtal / Rifflsee Lake”. The steep path leads through the Hirschtal valley up to Rifflsee Lake. The path continues just below the mountain restaurant Sunna Alm / top station Rifflsee gondola to the lake. Continue to run along the lakeshore to the Wurmtal valley and follow the signposts to Plodersee Lake. Past rushing mountain brooks and waterfalls follow the path until you reach the fork and then turn left to Plodersee Lake. Once there, do not descend via the steep ski slope but continue to run straight ahead following the markings, then follow the path down into the valley. Take care along a steep path (slip hazard) downhill and cross the Grubenkopf chairlift (only operational in winter) until you reach a fork, then follow signposts to the catered mountain hut Taschachalm down into the valley. Once there, it is an easy road back down to your starting point in Mandarfen. 

P15 - Zirbensteig Trail

Mandarfen (1675m)
Mandarfen (1675m)

Sechszeiger - Hochzeiger Trail

Middel station (2024m)
Valley station (1467m)
Run from the intermediate station along the agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Tanzalm. Then continue on this road (Zirben Trail) for three kilometres all the way to the valley station of the Zirben mountain railway. At the following road junction, follow the agricultural road on the left all the way to the starting point of the Single Trail 4A. This trail overlooks the catered mountain hut Leiner Alpe (which is ideal for a break), until it almost reaches the north ridge of the Sechzeiger mountain. At the junction, turn left and run uphill along the ridge, all the way to the Sechzeiger summit cross. Then keep left and run past a pond to the Niederjöchl. An uneven single trail then leads up to Felderzeiger and continues on steep and rugged terrain on the last metres up to the Hochzeiger summit cross. To complete the circuit, continue to run downhill along the ridge to Zollkreuz (option to return to intermediate station). At the Zollkreuz junction continue in the direction of Zollberg (2.225m). From then on it is all downhill via a single trail to the forest road until you reach the valley lift station in Liss.  

Duration: 2- 3 h

Muttler Skyrun

Mandarfen (1674m)
Mandarfen (1675m)
Starting in Mandarfen, cross the bridge to the mountain rescue building and then turn left and follow the agricultural road up to the catered mountain hut Taschachalm. Then turn left and follow the signpost to Mittelberg. High above the Taschach gorge, a narrow path leads through a forest. Still in the forest, above the “Gasthof Steinbock” restaurant follow the signpost in the direction of Mittagskogel. This steep trail leads through a forest at first but once you’ve reached the tree line you will be rewarded with fantastic panoramic views. Continue to run across mountain meadows and follow the well-marked trail across a boulder section. On your left you can already make out the ridge of the Muttler mountain ahead. Turn left at approximately 2,530 metres (note the small stone sculpture of a man) and follow the last 100 metres in elevation gain on a badly marked trail until you reach the ridge of the Muttler summit. Return on the same trail until you reach the signpost in the forest above Mittelberg. Then run in the direction of Gasthof Steinbock restaurant and past the bus turning area. Follow the panoramic trail at the head of the valley back to Mandarfen. Caution: the ascent up to the Muttler summit is very steep and the last 100 metres in altitude are poorly marked. However, once at the top, you’ll be rewarded with a fantastic view of the upper Pitztal valley! 

Taschachhaus circuit

Mandarfen (1679m)
Mandarfen (1673m)
Starting in Mandarfen, initially cross the bridge to the mountain rescue building and then turn left and follow the agricultural road up to the Taschachalm. Once there continue to run on the right hand side on the path leading up to Rifflsee Lake until a path forks off on the left. Instead of continuing up to Rifflseee, turn left and run via the Fuldaer high-level trail to the catered mountain hut Taschachhaus. Once there, it is a steep descent down across the glacier moraine passing the bottom station of the goods cable lift and on to the agricultural road at the bottom of the Taschach valley back to the Taschachalm. Return via the same route to the starting point in Mandarfen. Caution: This is a very long trail of over 20 kilometres! It can be shortened by descending at the Fuldaer high-level trail back down to the Taschach valley, but please note that the path leading downhill can be easily overlooked. 

Venet Alm circuit

Fishpond Piller (1406m)
Fishpond Piller (1406m)
This trail starts off at the Piller fishpond car park and then initially follows a forest road. Follow the signposts in the direction of Larcher Alm or rather Venetalm. Once there, continue to run along a beautiful path to the catered mountain hut Larcher Alm and then follow the signposts to Piller. Once you have reached the forest road continue to follow it and turn off after approximately 1 km in the direction of your starting point at Piller fishpond. 

Kreuzjoch circuit

Plattenrain (1481m)
Plattenrain (1480m)
Starting at the Plattenrain car park this trail follows a pretty steep path opposite of the catered mountain hut Puitalm at Plattenrain up towards the catered mountain hut Hochaster Alm and then on to the catered mountain hut Venet Alm. Once there, you can take in the magnificent panoramic views to the Hochzeiger summit and the upper Pitztal valley. The path then turns a bit more rugged and leads (via the Imsterbergkreuz) to the highest point, the Kreuzjoch summit. Once there, follow the downhill path in the direction of the catered mountain hut Galflun Alm and then continue on a forest road to the catered mountain hut Larcher Alm and Venet Alm. Then follow the path that you already know from your ascent, back down to the starting point.

3 summits circuit

Fishpond Piller (1406m)
Fishpond Piller (1406m)
This trail starts off at the Piller fishpond car park and then follows to the catered mountain hut Gogles Alm on the same route as the Galflun Alm circuit. But once there the “3 summits circuit” forks off and follows a steep uphill path in the direction of Glanderspitze summit. Once there the slightly cropped path follows along the Venet mountain ridge all the way to the Kreuzjochspitze summit. A slightly steeper path leads downhill to a forest road, which then continues on to Gaflun Alm. To descend follow the trail just in front of the mountain hut in the direction of Piller, with the last section following a comfortable forest road back to your starting point. 

Kaunergrat Trail – extreme trail

Mandarfen (1679m)
Trenkwald (1502m)
Staring in Mandarfen, follow the agricultural road down the river to Plangeross. Once there, there is a steep ascent past the non-catered Plangeroß Alm vorbei, to the catered mountain hut Kaunergrathütte (2,817 m). Once there, continue to run in a North-Easterly direction to the Steinbockjoch, the highest point of this tour at 2,950 metres. Then continue passing a mountain lake and on to “auf den Sassen”. Then turn left to the emerald green Mittelerglesee Lake and once you’ve passed the lake turn right and run downhill in the direction of Neururer Alpe/Trenkwald and NOT up to the Verpeiljoch! Follow the alpine brook down the valley, then run along the “Almenweg” until you reach Neururer Alpe. Once there, follow the steep path down the valley to Trenkwald. Take the bus (or run an extra 5 km) to get back to your starting point in Mandarfen.   Caution: this is a very demanding and long trail with an ascent of almost 3,000 metres. It is absolutely essential to carry full equipment!

Large Venet circuit

Plattenrain (1478m)
Plattenrain (1474m)
This “Queen’s stage” is the same route to the Kreuzjochspitze as described in the “Kreuzjoch circuit” but then follows along the Venet ridge via the Wannejöchl, the Glanderspitze and almost to the top station of the Venet mountain railway. Once there, follow a path to the catered mountain huts Gogles Alm, Galflun and Larcher Alms and on to the Venet Alm. Return to your starting point via the same path as on your way up. The Large Venet circuit passes four summit crosses and four catered mountain huts – making this circuit an extra special experience.  





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