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Pitztal in 5 days for epicures

Pitztal in 5 days for epicures

Day 1: Day of arrival – Welcome to your very own box seat!​
More than 50 waterfalls tumble down steep rock giants into the Pitztal valley. There are four walk-on platforms built from local wood by Pitztal carpenters. They provide a truly premier seat to take in this impressive natural spectacle. Those who are looking for proper refreshment can dare dipping into the cold mountain water to free their mind to enjoy nature at its best for their holiday in Pitztal.

Day 2: Glacial cake indulgence at Café 3.440
Take in breath-taking views of the Wildspitze peak (3,774 m), Tyrol’s highest mountain from the terrace of Café 3.440 on Pitztal Glacier. Round off your experience with a slice of cake from the on-site pâtisserie.

Day 3: Culinary indulgence along Pitztaler Almenweg​
Pitztaler Almenweg combines fi ve idyllic mountain huts: Söllberg-, Mauchele-, Neuberg-, Tiefental- and Arzler Alm as well as Kaunergrathütte and boasts fantastic panoramic views. Every mountain hut offers home-cooked and home-baked local delicacies. Individual sections are also offered as guided walks in our Pitztal Summer Programme.

Day  4: Kaunertaler Gletscher & Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat
A day trip to the toll road of Kaunertal Glacier is always well worth a visit and is also included in the Pitztal Summer Card. The most beautiful spots invite to stop all around the reservoir to have a break or take some pictures. Paying a visit to Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat (Nature Park Centre) and the “3000m Vertikal” exhibition is also worthwhile. Spectacular views from the wheelchair accessible panoramic platform round off the day.

Day 5: Swiss pine fun at Hochzeiger​
Hochzeiger hiking resort in Pitztal boasts one of the largest accessible Swiss pine forests of Northern Tyrol. At Zeigerrestaurant you can choose from interesting delicacies all made out of Swiss pine, the “Queen of the Alps”. Try the famous “Zirben” Schnapps as well as pine soup, pine mustard or pine oil. Or why not try out a pine-fl avoured cappuccino? There are sampling demonstrations on site at Zirbenbäckerei (bakery) at Hochzeiger valley station.

Day 6: A piece of Taschachalm cheese to take home
Those guests who don’t want to say goodbye to Pitztal just yet before returning home can reach Riffl see Lake at 2,232 m within only 8 minutes by taking the gondola. Once there, you can take in the panoramic Alpine views and recharge your batteries for the imminent journey back home. Take one last selfie before either taking the gondola or walking the “Panoramasteig” trail via the catered mountain hut Taschachalm to return to the valley. Tip: Why not take home a piece of mountain cheese!






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