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Rodelbahn Hexenkessl/Tieflehn

Hexenkessl in Tieflehn (1665m)
Hexenkessl in Tieflehn (1698m)

Rodelbahn in Enger

Car parking Enger (1331m)
Car parking Enger (1412m)
not illuminated

Tobogganing run Hochzeiger

Mittelstation Hochzeiger Bergbahnen (2020m)
Weiler Kaitanger (1456m)
The toboggan run is daily open from 9 am till 5 pm. Every thursday toboggan evening (Only when the toboggan run is in operation). Opening hours on thursday 9 am - 5 pm & 7:30 - 12:00 pm

Kletterstadl Stillebach


This converted barn in Stillebach invites guests of all ages to try out bouldering. When building this climbing barn, the Melmer family attached great importance to safety. The climbing barn is fitted with special bouldering mats in eight layers and 36 cm thickness. 

 The following equipment is available:

  • 70 m² area
  • 150 m² bouldering space
  • over 90 bouldering routes 
  • up to 45° degrees inclines
  • Large campus board 
  • All levels of difficulty (beginners, advanced and children)
The day tickets can be purchased at the Biohotel Stillebach reception. You can also hire climbing boots there.
  • Price/Day: Adults: € 6.00/ day, Children and teenagers (aged 6 – 16): € 4.00/ day, Climbing boot hire € 3.00/ day
  • Annual tickets: Adults: € 175.00/ annum (valid from date of purchase)
    Children and teenagers (aged 6 – 16): € 145.00/ annum (valid from date of purchase)
  • Beginner courses on request: from min. 6 - 8 persons, duration approx. 2 hours, € 23.50 EUR person

Kletterpark Pitzi's Felsen Jerzens-Hochzeiger


Im Pitztal, Tirol kann mach das Klettern von Grund auf erlernen oder das in der Kletterhalle gelernte sicher festigen. Die Übungstouren im Kletterpark Jerzens sind im zweiten bis zum vierten Schwierigkeitsgrad. Kinder nehmen mit der Pitztal Sommer Card oder dem Pitztaler Freizeitpass kostenlos am Kletterprogramm teil.

Verschiedenen Kletterrouten, Klettersteigen, einer Seilbrücke und einem Flying-Fox - Die Anlage ist ideal zum trainieren und bietet auch Kindern riesiges Vergnügen. Ob klettern am Fels, überqueren der Seilbrücke, abseilen über steile Felsen oder auf dem Flying Fox durch den Wald schweben, hier ist für jeden etwas dabei. Unsere geschulten Guides bieten Ihnen unvergessliche Stunden in luftiger Höhe.

Der Kletterpark-Jerzens ist äußerst Familienfreundlich und eignet sich für alle Altersgruppen optimal zum Einstieg in den Klettersport.

Sculpture trail

Mandarfen Parkplatz Mittelberg (1673m)
Mandarfen Parkplatz Rifflseebahn (1673m)
The sculpture trail starts directly next to the valley station of Rifflseebahn gondola. Wheelchair users can easily access the first section of the trail as the stone sculptures are erected next to the tarmac trail. There is only a minor incline at the start where little help is required. Some of the stone sculptures are right next to the trail, others can be viewed from afar. Overall, this wheelchair-accessible section of the sculpture trail takes approx. half an hour and it returns to the starting point in the village adjacent to the main road.

Valley hiking trail with swiss trac

Mandarfen (1679m)
Wiese (1462m)
Swiss Trac Tour:The valley hiking trail from Mandarfen to Wiese (ca. 22 km) can be navigated either by electric handbike or sections of it by Swiss-Trac. If you are using an electric handbike, we would advise to start in Mandarfen and take the route out of the valley. The route is overall challenging as it repeatedly features steep inclines and varied terrain. There are several sections through grazing pastures. We would recommend the following sections for Swiss-Trac users:  
  • Mandarfen and Neurur (ca. 6 km)
  • Stillebach and Eggenstall (ca. 4 km)
  • Enger and Wiese (ca. 5 km)
You can choose start and end points in any of the villages and hamlets of St Leonhard within these three sections.


Parking space Hochzeiger (1460m)
Parking space Hochzeiger (1459m)

Lake Rifflsee

Bottom station Rifflseebahn/Sunna Alm (2290m)
Bottom station Rifflseebahn/Sunna Alm (2290m)
Swiss Trac Tour: From the car park the valley station of Rifflseebahn gondola is accessed on level ground. Several steps up to the ticket office can be accessed via a short, but steep ramp. Proficient Swiss-Trac users can mange the gradient of the ramp. Please note that railings restrict access to the area outside the ticket office. You will also have to pass through this area in order to access the ground-level toilets around the corner of the building. Please note that these toilets are not suitable for wheelchair users. Access to the gondola is via a second, longer steep ramp. Even Swiss-Trac users would be advised to have someone to assist them for this section. The gondola is accessed via a step and the space between the benches allows for a wheelchair with a maximum width of 60 cm. The Swiss-Trac can be transported in the next gondola with an assisting person. Once at the mountain station, the helpful gondola staff will stop the gondola once again to allow for an easy exit. Immediately after leaving the gondola you can see Lake Rifflsee, a glacial lake nestled in a hollow that features are 3 km long circular route.
Directly next to the mountain station is “Sunna Alm” mountain restaurant. The circular route starts from here and also passes the jetty of the raft ride. The first 500 m are a steep descent and water gullies have to be traversed. Once the path levels off in the coombe of the lake the path is relatively level and well prepared. The second half of the circular trail, from the bridge onwards is more uneven with larger stones. The ascent back up to “Sunna Alm” is quite steep again. It takes approx. 1 hour to complete the route and return to your starting point. Enjoy magnificent views of Lake Rifflsee from the sun terrace of the mountain restaurant. The restaurant area of “Sunna Alm” is very spacious. The toilets are in the basement and cannot be accessed by wheelchair.

ZirbenPark Circular Route

Mittelstation of the mountain lift Hochzeiger (2031m)
Mittelstation of the mountain lift Hochzeiger (2005m)
Swiss Trac Tour: It is a level road to get to the ticket office at the valley station of Hochzeiger gondola from the car park. From there, take a lift to the gondola access on the first floor. Right next to the lift on the ground floor is a wheelchair-accessible toilet. Entry to the gondola is via a mobile ramp. The gondola can accommodate wheelchairs with a maximum width of 60 cm. The Swiss-Trac can be transported in the same gondola or in the following gondola by accompanying persons. At the top station the gondola staff will again be of assistance to exit the gondola with a mobile ramp. Adjacent to the top station of the gondola you will find the catered mountain hut “Zeigerrestaurant”. It can be accessed across a meadow, which is hard to navigate and then via a ramp with a considerable gradient. There is a wheelchair-accessible toilet in the basement which is, however, not easy to find as it is not incorporated in the signposted area. Please note that during the summer part of the lift is covered by banners and making it hard to spot. The toilet is spacious and offers enough room for turning circles.

Starting at “Zeigerrestaurant” follow the beautifully laid-out 1.5 km long “Zirben” [pine] trail. Please note that there are large sections with a steep incline on loose gravel surface and taking this route is only advisable for experienced Swiss-Trac users. The steeper section passing the “Zirbenzapfen” [pine cone] with a big slide can, however, be bypassed by only taking part of the route. After approx. 2/3 of the trail, you will reach another catered mountain hut, “Tanzlalm”. Unfortunately neither the restaurant nor the ground floor toilets are suitable for wheelchair users. The last third of the trail back to the “Zeigerrestaurant” features a steep uphill section. 





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