Wald 1
Wheelchair-accessible hiking trail
2,50 km
00:40 h
30 hm
890 m
Swiss-Trac Tour:
Start: car park near the church. From there, follow the tarmac road for approx. 0.5 km along Lenegasse through the hamlet of Wald. Then turn off into a farm track on the left. The farm track is wide and...
Start: car park near the church. From there, follow the tarmac road for approx. 0.5 km along Lenegasse through the hamlet of Wald. Then turn off into a farm track on the left. The farm track is wide and...
Features & Characteristics
Starting Point:
Arzl/Wald car park by the church Wald
End Point:
Arzl/Wald car park by the church Wald

Map & Elevation Profile
Ortsinformation Arzl
Dorfstraße 36
6471 Arzl im Pitztal
Take the bus till the bus stop Wald Kirche.