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Mountain lakes and wild brooks

Mountain lakes and wild brooks in Tyrol

Natural wonder water in Pitztal

Pitztal invites you to discover its many waterfalls, crystal-clear mountain lakes and wild brooks on a walk. Enjoy the tranquility of Tyrol’s mountain lakes and let the babbling brooks wash away your worries. We have listed some of the most beautiful places for you below.

Piller landscaped pond

a paradise for swimming and relaxation! This wetland biotope was transformed into a wonderful recreational area for the young and the young at heart. It is very popular, especially on hot summer days. Please note that the water is a little murky thanks to the intake of a stream originating from the Piller moor. So, despite its appearance, it is actually supposed to be extremely healthy for swimmers.

Harbeweiher pond

as beautiful as a landscape painting… The pond nestles in total harmony with the surrounding countryside at “Piller Höhe”, an area steeped in history. Setting out from the “Gachen Blick” or Kaunergrat Nature Park Centre (parking available), the hiking trail will take you on an approximately seven kilometre long loop to one of the most primeval ponds of Pitztal.

Waldweiher pond

surrounded by countless trees! The forest pond at 1,500 metres above sea level is nestled in the “Fließer Wald“, west of the Turf Moor. Locals love the pond as their unspoilt recreation area but it also serves to irrigate local fields. Especially on hot days, the forest pond is an ideal hiking destination. Start off at the car park of Kaunergrat Nature Park Centre at “Piller Höhe”.

Lake Groaßsee

At 2,416 metres above sea level, Lake Groaßsee is the biggest lake in the Riegetal Nature Park, hence the name “big lake“. The lake is beautifully situated in the upper part of the Riegetal valley between “Wildgrat” (2,971 m) and “Gemeindekopf” (2,771 m) and can be reached by traversing the Hochzeiger or Zollberg mountains. The outflow on the north-western bank of the lake is above ground and winds its way through the entire Riegetal valley and ends at the very impressive Stuiben waterfall which then flows into the Pitze.

Stuibenbach stream

The ca. four kilometre long Stuibenbach brook is one of the streams in the unglaciated Central Alps. The county of Tyrol has designated the entire length of the Stuibebach brook a priority nature conservation area. Hence, the stream is virtually unspoilt and has remained unchanged.

Stuiben waterfall

The name of “Stuiben waterfall“ is derived from the German word for “to spray“, a very apt description as you will see when you visit the viewpoint right next to the waterfall. The waterfall drops over 150 metres and is located in the municipal area of Jerzens. It features prominently from the road at the "Steinbrücke" turnoff to the hamlet of Graslehn. Alternatively, it can be reached directly via a very beautiful and well-signposted hiking trail.

Stuiben waterfall in Jerzens Schön
A wonderful place to refill energy is the Stuiben Waterfall in Jerzens Schön

Sechszeiger reservoir

This reservoir at 2,360m above sea level was built in 1999 as a snow-making facility for the ski pistes of Hochzeiger ski resort. It was landscaped very close to nature and blends in very well with its natural surroundings.  The used water has, of course, drinking water quality. The reservoir is a good starting point for many hikes around the Sechs- and Hochzeiger resorts.

Kaitanger reservoir

Just like the Sechzeiger reservoir this lake is used to make artificial snow for the Hochzeiger ski resort. The water used for this is, of course, of drinking water quality. This reservoir has become a recreation area for families in the summer and the wide path of its lakeside is ideal for walking with a pram.

Söllbach stream

With a total length of 2.2 kilometres, Söllbach stream is one of the streams in the unglaciated Central Alps. Extending across an area of over ten square kilometres, its catchment area is located around Lake Brechsee from which it is mainly fed. The regional government of the Tyrol has designated Söllbach stream a priority nature conservation area, hence the waterway being virtually unspoilt.

Rifflbach / Seebach stream

The Rifflbach or Seebach stream, which is called Rifflbach until it flows into the Riffsee and Seebach from its exit, has a total length of approximately six kilometres and is one of the streams of the unglaciated Central Alps. The catchment area extends over 100 square kilometres around the 3,000m peaks of Wurmtaler Kopf, Hameskopf, Löcherkogel, Rostitzkogel und Seekogel.

Gschwandtbach stream

The Gschwandtbach, with a total length of 3.5 kilometres, is one of the streams of the unglaciated Central Alps. Its catchment area extends over ten square kilometres around the 3,000m peaks of Dristkogel, Gsallkopf and Rofelewand.

Klockelebach stream

The 2.7 kilometre long Klockelebach is one of the streams of the unglaciated Central Alps. Its catchment area extends over ten square kilometres surrounding the 3,000m peaks of Luibeskogel, Felderkogel and Reiserkogel.

Lake Brechsee

There is a road leading quite closely to the Brechsee at 1,800m above sea level, coming from Zaunhof in Pitztal (the opposite side of the valley). From the end of the road you will find a very well signposted walking trail through the dense high forest until you reach the lake. It takes approximately one hour to reach the lake from the end of the road. The lake, located in the municipal area of St Leonhard, forms an extension of the little high valley and is surrounded by rough boulders from rockslides and moraines. The idyllic lake is 237 metres long and 87 metres wide and an ideal location for a break and a picnic.

Lake Rifflsee

There are many well-signposted walking trails starting from the bottom of the valley to climb to Lake Rifflsee. The shortest climb is located close to the route of the gondola, following a well-signposted hiking trail from Mandarfen and leading directly to the lake (walk duration approximately 1.5 hours). Alternatively, you can use the Rifflsee gondola from Mandarfen to reach the lake comfortably. The mountain station of the gondola as well as Rifflsee hut, just below the lake at 2,289m, are ideal places for a break.


  • Lake Wettersee (at Erlanger Hütte)
  • Lake Straßberg See (can be accessed via Ritzenrieder Alm)
  • Lake Moalandlsee (can be accessed via Luibisböden, ascent at Stillebach)
  • Lake Mittelberglesee (can be reached via Trenkwald)
  • Kaitanger landscaped pond (Jerzens-Kaitanger)
  • Lake Plodersee (can be accessed via Rifflsee)
lake Brechsee
lake Brechsee
lake Rifflsee in Pitztal in Tyrol
lake Rifflsee in Pitztal in Tyrol
lake Mittelberglesee
lake Mittelberglesee
Natural bathing lake in Stillebach in the Pitztal
Natural bathing lake in Stillebach in the Pitztal
lake Krummersee
lake Krummersee
Lake Plodersee
Lake Plodersee
Sechszeiger reservoir
Sechszeiger reservoir




Distance ranges from 2km to 14km


Duration ranges from 0h to 9h


Altitude ranges from 60m to 1,380m

Rifflsee circular route

Rifflsee gondola bottom station (2288m)
Rifflsee gondola bottom station (2289m)
Take the Rifflsee gondola to the top then walk by the Rifflsee circular route [Rundwanderweg Rifflsee]. This trail is especially suitable for families (including prams) and for the elderly.

Söllberg waterfall circular route

Wiese (1194m)
Söllberg-Wasserfall (1189m)
Starting point: Car park at the end of Wiese. From the starting point initially follow the forest road in the direction of Söllberg waterfall. The forest road eventually leads to a trail. Return via the same route back to the Söllbergalm turnoff, then turn left to walk down a trail. After approximately 500 metres you will reach the agricultural road on which you carry on walking downhill for approximately 150 metres before reaching the next turnoff. Then turn right onto the forest road that will take you back to your staring point. 

Hike to Waldweiher pond

car park Piller Moor (1526m)
car park Piller Moor (1526m)
From the starting point hike to Piller Moor until you reach the fountain. Then follow the signposts to Waldweiher via forest roads and idyllic steep forest paths to this natural gem, the Waldweiher pond. Follow the trail around the pond until you reach the forest road. Return to your staring point via the same route on the last section.

Pfitschebach waterfall circular route

bus stop St. Leonhard/Ghf. Liesele (1341m)
bus stop St. Leonhard/Ghf. Liesele (1340m)
This circular route starts at the bus stop of the Hotel Sonne Liesele following the waterfall signposts in the direction of the catered mountain hut Tiefentalalm. After a few metres on a cart track a steep path forks off on the left towards Tiefentalalm. Continue straight on this path and you will reach the viewing platform after about 15 minutes. Return on this path until the fork in the direction of the Tiefentalalm. Follow the slightly steeper path until you reach a forest road taking you all the way to the catered mountain hut Neubergalm. Return via the forest road in the direction of Enger/Bichl and continue on the valley hiking trail to your starting point.

Two lake tour

Rifflsee gondola bottom station (2291m)
Rifflsee gondola valley station (1674m)
Take the Rifflsee gondola to the top station, then turn right and follow the signs to the Rifflseerundweg (circular 
route) all the way to where it joins with a high-level trail, the Offenbacher Höhenweg. After approximately 1 hour walking time, turn off left on a waymark ed steep path to the Plodersee lake. Descend on a waymarked steep track, which joins up with the another high-level trail, the Fuldaer Höhenweg. From there, continue to walk in the 
direction of the catered mountain hut Taschach Alm and keep on walking to return to the start in Mandarfen.

Circular route Brechsee (lake)

Rehwald (1461m)
Rehwald (1467m)
From Rehwald, take the agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Mauchele Alm. Then continue on a steep 
path in the direction of Brechsee/ Stallkogel. This path forks off after approximately 100 m. The lefthand track leads to the Stallkogel – take the track to the right, which leads to the beautiful Alpine lake Brechsee. At the lake, enjoy fantastic vistas of Wenns and Arzl and the panoramic Alpine scenery of the Venet, Tschirgant and Gemeindekopf summits. From there, the path forks off again: follow the steep path to the catered 
mountain hut Söllbergalm, which is an approximately 30 to 45 minute walk from the lake. From the Alm, walk on the agricultural road in the direction of Wiese. After approximately 150 m turn off right by a moderately steep path leading back to the Mauchele Alm. This path continues through larch and Swiss pine forests until it joins with the agricultural road to the Mauchele Alm. From there, it is about 200 m further to reach the Mauchele peak. Descend on this path to the starting point in Rehwald.

Trail to the Mittelberglesee lake (2,450 m)

district of Trenkwald (1500m)
district of Trenkwald (1497m)
Cross the Pitze river at Trenkwald then turn right in the direction of the waterfall. Next, turn left and continue to walk uphill on a very steep forest track to the abandoned Neururer Alm. This track continues to a ridge, the 
Verpeiljoch. The track forks off to the left to the Loabachtal valley. Continue to walk over the slopes of the Weiße Kogel mountain down towards the Loabach brook. On the opposite side of the brook, keep left to follow a path up to the Mittelberglesee lake, a lovely tranquil spot at the foot of a steep rockface [Parstleswand] for a break 
among the gorgeous Alpine scenery. Return via the outward route.

Trail to the Luibisalm and to the Moalandlsee lake

car park between Stillebach and Piösmes (1405m)
car park between Stillebach and Piösmes (1423m)
Walk by a road to the left towards the broadcasting mast for a short while, then turn left onto a footpath leading in the direction of the mountain hut Luibisalm (not catered). This Alm is a peaceful destination for a day trip and affords walkers panoramic views high over the valley opposite the steep Rofelewand rockface (3,354 m). Continue on past a hunting lodge to the so called Luibisböden. Straight ahead this track leads to the Luibiskogel peak: from there turn right and walk through a rubble cirque to a crevasse behind which the beautiful Moalandlsee lake nestles against a stunning backdrop of rocks. Please note that this trail is only suitable for fit, experienced and sure-footed mountaineers. Return via the outward route.

Hike to Straßbergsee

Wiesle (1070m)
Wiesle (1070m)
From the bus stop in Wiesle, walk approx. 500 metres out of the valley until a forest path branches off to the left. Past the Ritzenrieder Alm, at the end of the forest track, a path leads to the beautifully situated Straßbergsee lake. Once there, the path leads north-east to the Straßbergalm. The Ritzenrieder Alm and the Straßbergalm are managed by the same shepherd and are therefore open alternately. From the Straßbergalm, follow the signs to Graßlehn and from there continue along the road to the starting point.

Three lake tour (Brechsee,Krummersee,Kugletersee)

Rehwald (1450m)
Rehwald (1450m)
Follow the agricultural road from Rehwald to the catered mountain hut Mauchele Alm. From there turn off on a trail towards Lake Brechsee which you will reach within 1 hour from the hut. It is another 1 hour 30 minutes walk to Lake Krummersee. After 50 minutes you reach the Lake Kugletersee. Return to the start via the same route. 





0 - 350cm


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6 open slopes


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