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Hike from Falsterwies to Gischlewies

bus stop Jerzens Hotel Jerzner Hof (1180m)
bus stop Jerzens Hotel Jerzner Hof (1180m)
The trail sets off at Hotel Jerzner Hof bus stop and leads uphill to the hamlet of Falsterwies. Once there, continue on a wide forest road to the hamlet of Gischlewies. Return to the starting point via the same route. There are several options for a pub stop only a few minutes' walk from the starting and end point of this hike (Pitzloch, Restaurant Zirm and Hotel zum Lammwirt).

Hike from Jerzens to Wenns

bus stop Jerzens Dorf (1116m)
Wenns (983m)
Starting point: Jerzens town centre. From the starting point, follow the path for approx. 300 m in the direction of Leins. Before the Hirschenklause B&B, turn downhill to the left to the hamlet of Pitzenhöfe. After the bridge follow the forest road on theleft in the direction to Wenns. Return to zour starting point via bus.  

Pitzenhöfe circular route

Car park Gemeindezentrum Wenns (1000m)
Car park Gemeindezentrum Wenns (1001m)
From the starting point hike to the village centre (Pitztalerhof). Then follow the signposts “Rundwanderweg Pitzenhöfe” (Pitzehöfe circular hike).Walk through the historic lower town with its museum, the historic, beautifully painted ‘Platzhaus’, war memorial and parish church. After the school, follow the path to the right all the way to the Pitzenhöfe. You will see a wooden bridge: take a right turn just before it. Continue to walk on the forest path and turn right at the fork towards Wenns/St Margarethen. On the way back walk along the main road. 

Hike to Waldweiher pond

car park Piller Moor (1526m)
car park Piller Moor (1526m)
From the starting point hike to Piller Moor until you reach the fountain. Then follow the signposts to Waldweiher via forest roads and idyllic steep forest paths to this natural gem, the Waldweiher pond. Follow the trail around the pond until you reach the forest road. Return to your staring point via the same route on the last section.

Circular route Piller

Busstop Piller Musikpavillon or car park Piller Zentrum (1345m)
Busstop Piller Musikpavillon or car park Piller Zentrum (1348m)
From the Piller Musikpavillon bus stop or the Piller Zentrum car park, this hike initially leads in the same direction as the Beckenhof circular hiking trail, but after a short while branches off to the left. Then there is a somewhat demanding ascent for ca. 500 meters and after another kilometre there is the possibility of making a detour of 400 metres to the managed fishpond Fischteich Piller. You can return to the starting point via the same route, covering a total distance of 3.5 km and an elevation difference of ca. 150 metres.

Waldeck-Krabichl Runde

The walk starts at Galtwiesen car park. From here, walk along a forest path in the direction of Wennerberg. After approximately 200 metres turn off to the right and follow another forest path to Weiler Krabichl/Leins. Once there, turn right again via a farm track through meadows and close the loop by returning back to the starting point. Why not finish off your walk by stopping at Jausenstation Waldeck for some refreshments?

Large ´Harbeweiher´ [pond] circular route

Nature Park Centre at Gachenblick (1584m)
Nature Park Centre at Gachenblick (1583m)
As with the small Harbeweiher pond circular hike, with your back turned to the Nature Park Centre, turn right on the farm road in a southerly direction. Follow this road to a fork and also turn right in the direction of Harbeweiher pond. Unlike the small Harbeweiher pond circular route, continue to follow this road past a fantastic viewing point until you reach the Harbeweiher pond. This pond is an extremely untouched and wild, romantic area not far from the Nature Park Centre and lends itself perfectly for nature lovers who do not want to cover long distances. After a short ascent, you will have reached the highest point and can then return on a forest road to the other side of the Nature Park Centre.     

Large hike through Jerzens village

Haltestelle Jerzens Feuerwehr (1090m)
Haltestelle Jerzens Feuerwehr (1089m)
The starting point is opposite the fire station, to the right of the river Mühlbach. At the beginning of the trail there is a slight ascent, most of the part there are low slopes. At the first fork follow the path on the right until you reach the hamlet of Schön. There you follow the signs (Schönlarch) and cross the Pitztaler Landesstraße. Via a path you reach the hamlet of Schönlarch. At the car dealer Reinstalder, cross the Pitztaler Landesstraße again and return to the starting point at the fire station via the hamlet "Niederhof".

Trail to the Gletscherstube

Mittelberg (1731m)
Mittelberg (1732m)
Follow the flat and even agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Gletscherstube.

Hike from Schön to Stuiben waterfall

Schön (1062m)
Schön (1053m)
At the bus stop in Schön walk directly next to Haus Schön following the forest road initially and then follow a steep path up to the Stuiben waterfall. Return to your starting point via the same route.  





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