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Natural toboggan run

Parking space at the Naturparkhaus/Junction Fließ (2013m)
Parking space at the Naturparkhaus/Junction Fließ (1512m)

To make sure there is something for everyone, a three metre wide track is prepared by a snowcat, which is very ​suitable for tobogganing and should also make the descent on skis easier. So that you don't have to carry the sledge up, it can be rented on the alpine pasture (check the opening times).
Free toboggan rental  

Natural tobogganing run at Piller

Fishpond Piller (1412m)
Fishpond Piller (1535m)
  • tobogganing hire: € 2,00
  • illumination: on request Wilfried Hairer (fishpond Piller)
  • E-Mail:

Tobogganing run Hochzeiger

Mittelstation Hochzeiger Bergbahnen (2020m)
Weiler Kaitanger (1456m)
The toboggan run is daily open from 9 am till 5 pm. Every thursday toboggan evening (Only when the toboggan run is in operation). Opening hours on thursday 9 am - 5 pm & 7:30 - 12:00 pm

Piller circular route

car park Piller Zentrum (1346m)
car park Piller Zentrum (1346m)
Swiss-Trac Tour:
Start at the car park opposite the fire station in Piller. From there, follow the tarmac road in the direction of Galflunalm. It is a straight road in the direction of a forested area for the next 0.5 km. The gravel path is a little loose and with a rougher surface here. Before reaching the woodland, turn off into a grassed path with some larger stones, which make for a bumpy ride. Leave this path after 300 metres and turn right on the path that takes you back to the village. Several larger water bars cross this path. After a few metres keep to the right and follow the path downhill, where, once again, several water bars cross the path. After half a kilometre, you will pass the sports grounds and return to your starting point within 300 m.

Fischteich Piller circular route

Piller car park Fuchsmoos (1354m)
Piller car park Fuchsmoos (1353m)
Swiss Trac Tour: The start of this circular route is the car park at the pond “Landschaftsteich” Piller. From there, follow the main road for a short while before turning off to the hamlet of Fuchsmoos on the left. Continue to follow the wide tarmac road uphill. After approx. 0.5 km leave the tarmac road. The route now follows an easy gravel path that is crossed by diagonal water bars at regular intervals. A small restaurant by the fishpond can be reached in ca. 20 min. The path now descends again, at first along a gravel path, before returning to a tarmac path. The tarmac path continues through the hamlet of Piller down to the main road. Once there, return to the car park following the main road, which can be busy at times.

ZirbenPark Circular Route

Mittelstation of the mountain lift Hochzeiger (2031m)
Mittelstation of the mountain lift Hochzeiger (2005m)
Swiss Trac Tour: It is a level road to get to the ticket office at the valley station of Hochzeiger gondola from the car park. From there, take a lift to the gondola access on the first floor. Right next to the lift on the ground floor is a wheelchair-accessible toilet. Entry to the gondola is via a mobile ramp. The gondola can accommodate wheelchairs with a maximum width of 60 cm. The Swiss-Trac can be transported in the same gondola or in the following gondola by accompanying persons. At the top station the gondola staff will again be of assistance to exit the gondola with a mobile ramp. Adjacent to the top station of the gondola you will find the catered mountain hut “Zeigerrestaurant”. It can be accessed across a meadow, which is hard to navigate and then via a ramp with a considerable gradient. There is a wheelchair-accessible toilet in the basement which is, however, not easy to find as it is not incorporated in the signposted area. Please note that during the summer part of the lift is covered by banners and making it hard to spot. The toilet is spacious and offers enough room for turning circles.

Starting at “Zeigerrestaurant” follow the beautifully laid-out 1.5 km long “Zirben” [pine] trail. Please note that there are large sections with a steep incline on loose gravel surface and taking this route is only advisable for experienced Swiss-Trac users. The steeper section passing the “Zirbenzapfen” [pine cone] with a big slide can, however, be bypassed by only taking part of the route. After approx. 2/3 of the trail, you will reach another catered mountain hut, “Tanzlalm”. Unfortunately neither the restaurant nor the ground floor toilets are suitable for wheelchair users. The last third of the trail back to the “Zeigerrestaurant” features a steep uphill section. 

Small Harbe circular route

Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat (1575m)
Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat (1576m)
Swiss-Trac Tour: The start of this route is the same as the great Harbe circular route at Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat. From there, follow a narrow gravel path that changes into a wide forest path. After approx. 30 metres there is a junction. Turn right and start your circular route. The forest path will now climb continually. The gravel is loose and rough in places and several water bars cross the path. After approx. 1.5 km you will reach the Harbe meadows where a path forks off to the right (in contrast to the Great Harbe circular route, where you would continue to go on straight). From here, the path descends steadily for 1.5 km before the last section takes you uphill back to the starting point. Diagonal water bars cross the path along the entire length of the route and depending on weather conditions the path can be loose or lined with puddles.

Great Harbe circular route

Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat (1574m)
Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat (1574m)
Swiss-Trac Tour: Start: Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat. From there, initially follow a narrow gravel path that will change into a wide forest path. After ca. 30 metres you will reach a junction. Keep right and start your circular route. You can, of course, also take this route in the opposite direction. The forest path will now climb continually. The gravel is loose and rough in places and several water bars cross the path. After approx. 2.5 km you will reach a beautiful spot where you can enjoy views of the Harbe pond and the Harbe meadows which is ideal for a break. After ca. 3 km you will reach the highest point of this route. There is a turn-off to Aifner Alm, but remain on the path that is now taking you downhill and easy to navigate. The circular route will take approx. 2 hours and is 6 km long. Return to the starting point at Naturparkhaus via the same short path as at the beginning of the route.

Hike to Aifneralm mountain hut

Car park near the hamlet Puschlin (1518m)
Car park near the hamlet Puschlin (1518m)
Swiss Trac Tour: Start: Please do not take the trail starting straight at the Naturparkhaus, as this features a short section that is not accessible by Swiss-Trac.
Start this route at the car park near the hamlet of Puschlin. Initially follow a well-prepared forest path. You will cover some altitude on this initial steep uphill section. Please note that you should never leave the main path. It leads past beautiful alpine meadows and after approx. 2/3 of the way, the surface of the path will become a little rougher and harder to navigate. After ca. 1.5 h you will reach the catered mountain hut “Aifner Alm”. The hut itself is accessible via a ramp, however, after rainfall the path leading up to it may be washed out in places. The toilet can be accessed by mounting one step. The corridor is very narrow due to a box. The toilet can be accessed by wheelchair but there is not sufficient space for turning circles.

Mittelstation Route - red

Car Park Liss/Hochzeiger Bergbahnen P5 (1460m)
Mittelstation/Zeigerrestaurant (2003m)
After setting off, follow a fairly flat road and walk uphill in a few serpentines on the open slope of the Liss button lift. Then continue to follow a path until you reach a wide hillside just before Hochzeiger gondola. Continue walking on this hillside across open clearings until you reach the Hochzeiger Haus, then continue keeping left, past the Hochzeiger Haus, and keep to the left side of the ski slope until you reach the toboggan run. Then cross through a short underpass and follow the toboggan run (please BE CAREFUL as there may be oncoming traffic) until you reach Tanzalm mountain hut and further on to Zeigerrestaurant at the intermediate station. 





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