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Discover our varied tours and routes

Eggmahd circular walk

car park Mühlhoppen (1157m)
car park Mühlhoppen (1158m)
From the starting point walk along the tarmac road for ca. 300 metres. Then continue to walk on the forest road and follow the signposts “Rundwanderweg Eggmahd“ and turn right. Take in wonderful panoramic views of the Tschirgant, Sechszeiger – Hochzeiger summits with the town of Jerzens. Follow this trail until you reach Eggmahd and then turn right in the direction of Obermühlbach. Please note that there are large rocks on the last 100 metres. A broad tarmac road takes you past the small hamlet Bichl and back to the starting point Langegerte. 

Alternatively you can hike to the catered mountain huts Larcher Alm and Galfun Alm from Eggmahd which takes approximately 2 hours from there. 


Osterstein tour (big)

Parking space Fußballplatz Arzl (863m)
Parking space Fußballplatz Arzl (863m)
The hike starts from the parking space Fußballplatz Arzl. Follow the farm and forest road to the left of the soccer field. At the junction follow the road uphill in the direction of Ostersteinsiedlung for about 400 m. Then return via the so called path Diemersteig to the starting point.

Trail to the Taschach Alm

Mandarfen (1678m)
Mandarfen (1679m)
From the car park of the Rifflsee gondola cross the bridge and turn left to walk on the wide agricultural road up to the catered mountain hut Taschach Alm. Take the same way back to Mandarfen.

Wood and meadow route Klausboden

Matzlewald sawmill (1136m)
Matzlewald sawmill (1138m)
Past the sawmill before Matzlewald you can access a forest path and after about 50 m turn immediately right in the  direction of Klausboden. Continue to follow the signposts along the forest road until you reach Klausboden recreational area. There are two options for your return route: return via the same, wide forest road (suitable for prams) or at the Forstgarten, by the small sawmill, you can access a wild, romantic narrow track following the course of a river. Over a wooden bridge and several wooden planks you return to a forest path. Turning off right here, will take you back to the original forest road leading back to the starting point. Please note that the second option is not suitable for prams.

Bichl circular route

car park Volksschule Wald (885m)
car park Volksschule Wald (885m)
Starting point: car park Volksschule Wald. Walk past the church on the left up the hill to the village of Bichl. At the fork, turn right and pass two chapels until you reach the Rastboden. Once there, turn left over a steep path to return to Weiler then continue back to your starting point.

Circular route Steinhof

Car park Kirche/Mehrzwecksaal (981m)
Car park Kirche/Mehrzwecksaal (988m)
From the starting point at Kirche/Mehrzwecksaal (church/multi-purpose hall) car park walk for approximately 300m to the centre of the village. Turn right above the Pitztaler Hof restaurant and follow the so called ‘Alte Straße’ [old road] with fantastic views of Wenns village and the Tschirgant peak. Continue on this tarmac road to the next fork. Then continue on the forest road to Steinhof and further to Langenau. You can return to the starting point via the road. 

Pitzenhöfe circular route

Car park Gemeindezentrum Wenns (1000m)
Car park Gemeindezentrum Wenns (1001m)
From the starting point hike to the village centre (Pitztalerhof). Then follow the signposts “Rundwanderweg Pitzenhöfe” (Pitzehöfe circular hike).Walk through the historic lower town with its museum, the historic, beautifully painted ‘Platzhaus’, war memorial and parish church. After the school, follow the path to the right all the way to the Pitzenhöfe. You will see a wooden bridge: take a right turn just before it. Continue to walk on the forest path and turn right at the fork towards Wenns/St Margarethen. On the way back walk along the main road. 

Trail to the Gletscherstube

Mittelberg (1731m)
Mittelberg (1732m)
Follow the flat and even agricultural road to the catered mountain hut Gletscherstube.

Happy Track

Mehrzwecksaal / Kirche (977m)
Mehrzwecksaal / Kirche (991m)
The “Happy Track” starts at the public car park next to the community hall in the centre of Wenns. You will wak past historic buildings through Wenns for the first few metres to Hotel Pitztaler Hof. From there, head north and follow the signs to the “Talwanderweg”. Shortly after a small playground there is a junction, continue uphill in the direction of “Langenau”. The actual “Happy Track” starts there. There are three interactive stations focusing on the subject of “self-esteem”. Old thought patterns are questioned, inner strengths are brought to the fore and affirmations are used to show ways in which to gain confidence. At the end of the “Happy Track” there is visitor’s or “pathways book” which gives inspiration for the following day and you can also leave messages for others. Once you arrive at the small chapel in Steinhof, follow the signs again in the direction of the “Talwanderweg” to Wenns. The entire loop is almost six kilometers long and is manageable with an all-terrain pushchair.

Mittelberg Route 613

Mittelberg (1729m)
Gletscherstube (1905m)
The start of the route is the route bus turnaround in Mittelberg. This technically easy route on a gravel road in good condition gives beginners the opportunity to experience the overwhelming sense of mountain biking in the heart of the mountains. Bikers could easily include this small route, even after another more demanding mountain tour. 





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